The saltpans of Fuencaliente are built in one of the most beautiful corners of the island. The contrast is extreme: the blinding whiteness of the salt on the balaches (dividing banks or rims), the pinkish-coloured evaporation pools and water channels; a variety of small dashes of colour painted on a large canvass with a black background, fruit of nature’s whims.

The Fuencaliente saltpans represent the efforts of the Hernández Villalba family to ensure the survival of traditional salt production. At this unique location, archaic harvesting systems coincide with advanced intensive techniques, so that ethnographical and landscape values are brought together.

This is an enclave of scenic, gastronomic and natural value which has been declared a Site of Scientific Interest because it’s an important nesting site for migratory birds. It is also the starting point of one of the sporting events of the year: the Transvulcania